- Team Gubbachi
Both our programs in education are
human intense programs - humane
intense, I would say. We have stepped into an area that has to do with making up
for socio-economic deficits, psycho-emotional deficits, not to mention formal
learning deficit. We know this work needs doggedness but more than anything
else it needs sheer human hours. There is Teaching Learning Material to be made
(literally churned out), there are one-to-one classes required to assist children
cross-over learning humps, to execute classes for English language learning as
a foreign language, rethinking learning/teaching for older non-state literate
children, and such. I know every single idea needs elaboration. That’s for
another day. This post is about the force, which make things happen for us, our
When we conceptualised Gubbachi, early in
2015, we were very certain that core classroom processes couldn’t be volunteer
driven. But, little had we anticipated that there are equal number of
engagements for which we can’t begin to employ people - engagements that make up
for parental absences, inabilities, helplessness; societal responsibilities
like nutrition, health and well being; systemic responsibilities like equal
opportunities to be able to access education. These are volunteer roles, which
require a high degree of empathy for the children, trust in the program, sheer
perseverance to not get distracted by personal daily routines and engagements.
If I may say, we “recruit”
volunteers. It is important for us that while they step in to help us with the
children, we ensure that the activity helps them to reach within, give them
peace, give them an opportunity to step into a role that they haven’t explored
before, an insight into the other world. We have learnt to engage with the
“person” who is the volunteer and we are learning how to make the experience
more meaningful for them and, at the same time, help us nurture our
program. It is an on-going journey with
new experiences; and one that helps us all grow.
A big thanks to every one of our
amazing volunteers!
P.S. We are looking forward to
writing a series of posts on volunteers and volunteering as we prepare for our
Volunteers’ Day at Gubbachi.